Group Facilitation & Engagement Skills Module

Whether it is a manager seeking to create enthusiasm for significant organisational change or a supervisor running a toolbox talk, sound engagement and facilitation skills are vital if a message is to be heard, accepted and internalised.

As a company that assists our client organisations to create psychological safety, well being and mentally healthy workplaces, GYST Consulting’s Coaches have to be able to create engagement and rapport in a relatively short time, and have mastery over facilitation skills to ensure the learnings are internalised, and to help deal with resistance. However, we have noted (as have many of our clients) that not all leaders possess such high levels of engagement and facilitation skills.

This popular and extremely practical module helps participants to gain skills and strategies that really engage their audience (even if the source material is “dry” and/or the speaker really dislikes public speaking!).

We provide clear examples and expert modelling, as well as participants’ own current projects and highlight techniques that can be integrated into any speech or presentation to foster strong engagement and participation levels.

Some fundamental techniques include:

  • Providing the ‘why’
  • Storytelling
  • Reinforcing participation
  • Tapping into the wisdom of the group
  • Asking effective questions
  • Punchlines


Program Delivery

The content and delivery of the Care Factor Program is bespoke and relates directly to the needs of the client.  It is important that our clients get everything they need and nothing they don’t, thus maximising impact, cost effectiveness and positive outcomes for our clients.

Programs shown can be used as a complete Care Factor Program or discreet Modules can be utilised as stand-alone services or workshops. 

Other Care Factor Program Modules

Other Care Factor Program Modules include:

  1. Brain Basics [Limitations of the conscious mind; Autopilot; complacency; short cuts; time pressure and limiting beliefs]
  2. Building an Intervention Culture [The psychology of “speaking up” – why some do, and some don’t; how to intervene (Care Factor Conversations); Creating trust and engagement]
  3. Creating Accountability and Intrinsic Motivation: [Above and Below the Line Thinking (Locus of Control): the brain science behind accountability and responsibility]
  4. Reframing and Resilience [Understanding what we can control and influence, and what we can’t; the skill of cognitive reframing; stress management techniques; An introduction to the theory and practice of Positive Psychology in the workplace]
  5. Tools of Influence [Transactional Analysis; The PAC Model; effective communication, engaging and influencing others through effective communication; Mastering the use of effective questions; Using Attribution theory as a tool of influence]
  6. Safety Climate Assessment and Commitment to change [Best-practice models of culture; Becoming a values-based leadership team; identifying core values and what they look like in the workplace; sharing commitments and planning next steps]


How we Embed Learnings and Build Internal Capability

Watch this space! We will soon be introducing a new comprehensive ‘Embedding Series’ based on consultation, the latest research and practical implementation.


Care Factor Materials: A range of mind-jogging visuals in the form of posters, worksheets and workbooks are used throughout the process and are designed to be working documents that can be applied to any emerging issues or challenges.

Care Factor Champions are identified and engaged during the rollout of the program. They are participants who have typically demonstrated strong interest, motivation, ability and genuine care for the safety and well being of their peers.  Group members will be volunteers who assist their colleagues and the wider workforce to best utilise the Care Factor principles and tools to help create and embed a lasting culture of care. Generally the Care Factor Champions will meet once per month to discuss any challenges, opportunities and new initiatives.

Care Factor Toolbox Talks: After completing the Care Factor Program, Leaders, Supervisors and Care Factor Champions sustain the key program concepts and language using the Care Factor toolbox talks, which are “bite-sized” components of the overall program that can be covered in 5 -15 minutes.

Ongoing Supports

On-going Supports - included in all site-wide rollouts

  • Expert support and consultation to Senior Leadership Team
  • Advisory service for the Care Factor Champions group
  • Care Factor Toolbox Talks supplied with ongoing support for facilitators
  • Care Factor Workplace Posters (pre-designed or bespoke)
  • Care Factor Workbooks and Worksheets (designed for live problem solving and skill integration over the long term)


“This workshop very cleverly explains human nature and how it affects safety. I believe this course has completely changed my outlook on safety, as ultimately safety is your own responsibility. It has changed the way I manage myself in pressure situations and stopped me getting upset with things I cannot control. The course was excellent...”


"Clive is a highly motivated and dynamic trainer. He has a deep understanding of his subject and delivers a very powerful message in an incredibly short space of time. This is probably the best training session I have ever attended and I would highly recommend Clive and GYST Consulting."

Business Manager

"The Care Factor Program has enabled me to be conscious of taking responsibility and understanding the how/what/why my thinking is built on. Also, that to change culture, I must empower others by asking questions and not being afraid to intervene"

Mining Engineer  

Clients we work with

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